There are a number of ways to get involved with the Biodynamic Land Trust’s work:

Stroud Community Agriculture members with bean sticks


Your donation will enable the continued growth of the Trust and support us to promote our existing farms, nurture new projects and acquire new land in the future.

Farm School make their way across a beautiful green field at Huxhams Cross Farm

Invest to join

Become a shareholder in the Land Trust or one of our projects.

Group walking the Week Land


Leave a gift in your will to support the Land Trust’s work.

Rosdendal biodynamic garden farm

your land into the future

Do you own land that you would like to protect into the future?

young farmers with cattle


Are you looking for land or seeking to develop a new community farm project?

associate farm status

Would you like to develop your farm’s connection to the Land Trust?

If you would like to talk about how you can support the Biodynamic Land Trust, please contact us.