Our Family of Farms day this year hosted a workshop discussion on the question of building soil fertility within the farm organism. Each of the Land Trust farms are situated across different geographies, and at the heart of building fertility is the adoption of diverse practices to build in resilience within the farm and wider…Continue reading Cultivating on-farm Fertility through Diverse Biodynamic Approaches
Reflections From Our Family of Farms Day
Our recent Family of Farms day was a real cause for celebration – bringing our community of biodynamic farms together after a long period of disconnect due to Covid. The space was held by each of our farmers sharing their lived experiences of running a biodynamic farm business and the different types of enterprises that…Continue reading Reflections From Our Family of Farms Day
Family of Farms Day & Associative Farm Membership
“Our upcoming Family of Farms Day on the 2nd October will be held at St Giles Farm in Hampshire. We’re excited to be bringing the wider community of Biodynamic Land Trust connected farms together in one space. This will be an opportunity for all those attending, to learn more about the different legal structures and farm management systems in place…Continue reading Family of Farms Day & Associative Farm Membership
The Biodynamic Land Trust is Recruiting!
We are seeking an Operations Manager and a Development & Communications Officer to join the Biodynamic Land Trust team. Both roles will help to implement the Trust’s vision to protect and secure land for biodynamic community-connected farming. Are you passionate about supporting land, agroecological, regenerative and biodynamic farming, sustainable countryside activity, nature and healthy food…Continue reading The Biodynamic Land Trust is Recruiting!