Gabriel Kaye gave a presentation on Soil, Biodynamics and Hammonds Farm at A Stroud Tranistion Towns film evening on Soil… is the PDF of her presentation below, and her starting words. It makes a fascinating story….Continue reading Soils and Biodynamic Farming: Presentation At Stroud Transition Town
Community Farm Land Trusts Project
The Community Farm Land Trusts Project (2005-2007) was carried out by Greg Pilley and Martin Large of Stroud Common Wealth. The project investigated how existing community owned farm land trusts operate and pooled this experience. In doing so, it evaluated the range of benefits for communities involve and identified best practice. It then compiled the practical…Continue reading Community Farm Land Trusts Project
What is a Land Trust?
Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic: We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. Sand County Almanac what is a land trust? A land trust is an organisation that takes…Continue reading What is a Land Trust?